All posts in General News

UIS – new website unveiled

Well it’s here !!!!

We are really pleased with our new website and would like to say a massive thanks to all the guys at Georgia Design Associates (0151 236 1773) for all their hard work – great job !!!

Check out our new Vehicle anti theft system…

news-car-fallen-tree…a 30 foot conifer!!!

Breast cancer campaign

news-wear-it-pink-cakeWe are supporting wear it pink in aid of the breast cancer campaign by eating lots of cake !!!

Community Support from UIS

Conscious of the importance of local communities, UIS recently made the decision to sponsor local under-nines football team, Knowsley South. The team, which is currently performing well in the Rainhill & St Helens Mini Soccer League, needed a new away strip, so UIS came to its aid.
